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Meis Island

Meis Island is a charming Mediterranean island located directly opposite to Kas, across the waters. It is home to old brightly coloured houses (surrounding its marina), narrow streets, churches, many buildings adorned with bougainvillea, and a mosque that has been repaired and used as a museum. A small number of inhabitants maintain the island, approximately just 400 people live there currently. To date, the most attractive place on the island is the Blue Cave in the southeast, which is called Pfokiali by the locals .It is 40-50 m long, 25-30m wide and 20-25m high and is wider than the famous Grotta Azzurra (Blue Cave) in Capri Island, Italy. Sunlight which passes through the first layers of sea water, reflects the famous blue lights in the cave and makes bodies in the water shimmer in silver.


The cave and island can only be visited by boat, and the entrance to the cave is open only when the sea is calm, almost 1m above sea level. The best times to visit here are early morning hours when the sun is still low. In peak season, a ferry goes out there daily, but it only runs once a week during the winter.

The companies that arrange for these tours are located in the Kas square. One is called Kahramanlar Turizm and the other is Meis Express. If you don’t have a Schengen Visa (and need one), then you’ll need to hand over your documents a couple of days in advance in order to go to Meis.



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